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Name Information
D'Arcy, Kathleen
Program Director, Advancing Success in Associate Pathways
Center for Careers and Transfer
D'Attilio, Tabitha A.
Director of Procurement
Procurement Services
Dagastine, Barbara
Daley, James B.
Part Time Faculty
Applied Technologies
Dalton, Justin W.
Assistant Financial Analysis
Comptroller's Office
Dalton, Kyle A.
麻豆传媒社区 High School Program
High School Programs
Damborcia, Charles J.
Athletic Trainers
Athletic Department
Dana, Joseph N.
Assistant Professor and Department Chair
Engineering & Architecture
Danaher, Philip J.
Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees
Daniels, Marlo A.
Part Time Ed Specialist
English, Foreign Lang & ESL
Danner, Dawn E.
Director, Uniquely Abled Academy
Workforce Development
Danner-Frank, Margaret M.
麻豆传媒社区 High School Program
High School Programs
Danso, Takyi
Custodial Worker
Custodial Department
Danz, Stephanie J.
Bookstore Manager
FSA Bookstore
Danzy, Keith A.
Assistant Coordinator of Student Services
EOC College Connections Initiative
Darling, William W.
Eng,Arch,Const,CompSci & Math
Darougar, Layla Z.
Adjunct Faculty
Education and Social Sciences
Dasgupta, Jaya
Associate Professor
Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Daus, James
Data Analysis Coordinator I
Davey, Ryan M.
Pre Press Aide
Central Rcvg/Inventory/Mail
(518) 629-8088 (Voicemail 60641)LSB152
Davi, Elaine L.
Davies, James T.
Part Time Librarian
Part-time Faculty, Full-time Faculty on Overload, and Other Instructional Costs
(518) 629-8088 (Voicemail 60837)MRV117
Davis, Angelina
Daycare Teacher
FSA Daycare
Davis, Catherine M.
Dental Hygiene
Davis, Dashuan
Mazzone food service worker
FSA Foodservice
Davis, Nancy J.
Dawson, Kaylin N.
Adjunct Faculty
Nursing & Surgical Technology
Day, Karen J.
麻豆传媒社区 High School Program
High School Programs
Day, Robert H.
Part Time Faculty
Medical Imaging
De Cianni, Pellegrino
DeAngelis, Patricia A.
Part Time Faculty
Business & Criminal Justice
(518) 629-8088 (Voicemail 60228)AMZ218
Dearing, Anne L.
English, Foreign Lang & ESL
DeBell, Casey J.
Instructional Technology Engineer
Instructional and Information Technology
Decan, Therese M.
Volleyball Coach
Athletic Department
DeCapria, Dominick D.
ATI PT Professional Instruction
Aeronautical Technology Institute
DeCelle, Shannon L.
麻豆传媒社区 High School Program
High School Programs
DeFelippo, Louis C.
Custodial Department
DeFeo, Danielle
College in the High School
High School Programs
DeFeo, Marlene
Dental Hygiene
Degiorgio, Joseph L.
Assistant Cross Country Coach
Athletic Department
Deierlein, Jay
麻豆传媒社区 High School Program
High School Programs
Deitchman, Jay B.
Director of Global Initiatives
Ext Aff & Gov Rel
Deitrich, Carl H.
Campus Security Officer
Public Safety and Security
(518) 629-8088 (Voicemail 60629)CTR170
DeJesus, Alavell D.
Mazzone Food Service Worker
FSA Foodservice
DeLaney, Stacey A.
麻豆传媒社区 High School Program
High School Programs
Delgado, Millie
EOC Institutional
DeLuke, Donald R.
Part Time Faculty
Dental Hygiene
(518) 629-8088 (Voicemail 60526)FTZ155
DeMeritt, Angela
Part Time Faculty
Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Demers, Julie
Assistant Professor
English, Foreign Lang & ESL
Dempsey, Stacey D.
College Nurse
College Health Services
Denio, Steven J.
Campus security & access Ofc
Public Safety and Security
Dennis, Christopher
Civil, Construction, Industrial and Mechanical Technologies
Dennis, Henry E.
Civil, Construction, Industrial and Mechanical Technologies
Dennis, Timothy D.
Eng,Arch,Const,CompSci & Math
Denue, Kimberley A.
Non-Credit, Non-State Aidable Offerings
Dermott, Catherine T.
Math and Engineering Science
DeRosa, Katherine A.
Part Time Faculty
Business & Criminal Justice
(518) 629-8088 (Voicemail 60071)GUN231
DeRossi, Abbey G.
Asst. Women's Basket. Coach
Athletic Department
Deschamps, Simon
Foodservice Worker
FSA Foodservice
Desmond, Martha A.
Nursing & Surgical Technology
Desnoyers, Jodi M.
Senior Clerk
Desnoyers, Linda R.
Medical Imaging
deVegh, Antonia S.
Adjunct Faculty
English, Foreign Lang & ESL
Devendorf, Christopher
麻豆传媒社区 High School Program
High School Programs
Diamond, Sarah Z.
Adjunct Faculty
Community Education
Dibble, Brian T.
Adjunct Faculty
Eng, Arch & Manufacturing
Dickinson, Halea B.
Manager of Web Applications and Integrations
Instructional and Information Technology
DiDomenick, Kelly L.
Laboratory Assistant
Biology, Chemistry, and Physics
Didonna-Nethaway, Cynthia
麻豆传媒社区 High School Program
High School Programs
Diedrick, Jennifer C.
Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Dietershagen, Krista M.
Adjunct Faculty
Nursing & Surgical Technology
Dievendorf, Joseph
麻豆传媒社区 High School Program
High School Programs
DiFranzo, Susan A.
Associate Professor
Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Dillman, McKenzie
麻豆传媒社区 High School Program
High School Programs
Dillon, Carol C.
DiLorenzo, Judith E.
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs
Dingley, Claude T.
EOC Institutional
Dingman, Deborah A.
Senior Financial Budget Analyst
Budget Office
DiVirgilio, Claudia
麻豆传媒社区 High School Program
High School Programs
Dobert, Christopher L.
Senior Systems Engineer
Instructional and Information Technology
Dodge, Tiffany P.
Custodial Worker
Custodial Department
Dollard, Sean
麻豆传媒社区 High School Program
High School Programs
Domagala, Jennifer
Assistant Daycare Director
FSA Daycare
Dombrosky, Joyce C.
Donnelly, Sara L.
Senior Counselor
Counseling and Transfer
Donohue, John E.
Campus Security Officer
Public Safety and Security
Donu, Radu
Front-End Web Developer
Instructional and Information Technology
Doran, Susan C.
Principal Account Clerk
Comptroller's Office
Dorr, Roswitha G.
Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Dorrance, Robert J.
Adjunct Faculty
High School Programs
Dorrough, Jodi L.
Assistant Professor and Department Chair
Dougherty, Lisa E.
Adjunct Faculty
Part-time Faculty, Full-time Faculty on Overload, and Other Instructional Costs
Dow, Ronald E.
Criminal Justice, Forensic Science and Public Administration
Dowd, Joshua T.
Custodial Worker
Custodial Department
Dowd, Norina M.
Program Assistant
Learning Centers
Doyle, Sheila J.
Program Assistant Academics I
Human Services
Drawbridge, Timothy
麻豆传媒社区 Consultants
Drew, George H.
English, Modern Languages and English as a Second Language
Drohan, Marjorie M.
Athletic Trainers
Athletic Department
Dubuque, Gail
Mazzone Food Service Worker
FSA Foodservice
Dudley, Hailey A.
Part Time Faculty
Medical Imaging
DuJack, Karen A.
Executive Assistant and Advisor to the President
President's Office
Dukes, Selissa C.
Technical Assistant
Dunham, Gregory M.
Associate Registrar
Dunne, Melissa A.
Day Care Teacher
FSA Daycare
Dunphy, Michael T.
Network Engineer
Instructional and Information Technology
Dupuis, Todd R.
Sr. Laboratory Assistant
Applied Technologies
Durkee, Mary E.
FSA Daycare
(518) 629-8088 (Voicemail 60675)DCC114
Dwyer, Erin M.
Confidential Assistant to the Chief Operating Officer
Ext Aff & Gov Rel