Library Reserve Circulation Policy


This policy applies ONLY to circulation of items on reserve, generally textbooks.


Individuals eligible for general library circulation privileges as defined in the general library circulation policy are also eligible to borrow items on reserve. Must present current college ID or government-issued photo ID.


Items on reserve are due at closing on the date borrowed. Items may not be removed from the building. If the building closes early due to an emergency, reserve items on loan are due at the revised closing time. Borrowers are limited to one item on loan unless multiple items are intended to be used together (examples: book with separate workbook, book with DVD). Library staff will determine if items are intended to be used together and therefore if more than one item may be borrowed concurrently.

Reserve items may not be renewed. Borrowers must wait one hour before borrowing the identical item. Borrowers must return items directly to a staff member at the service desk. Items left in a book drop may be considered overdue and accrue fines accordingly.


Overdue items are items that have not been returned at closing. Overdue fines are $3 per calendar day (regardless of whether the building is open) per item borrowed. Students are charged overdue fines and replacement cost on the first day an item is overdue. Fees are posted to the BANNER system; unpaid fees and fines prevent all library borrowing until settled.

If the reserve item is returned within ten calendar days, then only overdue fines are charged and the replacement cost is waived. After ten calendar days, the overdue item may not be returned. The borrower is charged $30 overdue fine in addition to the full replacement value of the identical item as determined by the cost of a new item for sale at the College bookstore.

Damaged items are items returned in unusable condition based on negligent use. Causes of negligent damage include food/beverages, defacement by removal of pages, and permanent or extensive mark-up from highlighters or other implements. The determination of irreplaceable damage will be made by a librarian, the library director, or designee and cannot be appealed. Damaged items will be billed for replacement based on the cost of a new item for sale at the College bookstore.

If a reserve item is lost or stolen, contact library staff immediately. If the loss occurs before the item is due and is reported immediately, then no overdue fines will be charged but the borrower remains responsible for replacing the lost or stolen item. If the loss occurs after more than ten days overdue, the borrower is responsible for the full overdue fine as well as the replacement cost as described above.

Students who misuse reserve services may face disciplinary referral as outlined in the college judicial system, based on violation of Article VII. Code of Conduct for Academic Ethics, 7.9 Misuse of Library or Computer Resources. Borrowing eligibility for all library collections may be suspended permanently for courtesy borrowers after misuse of reserve services, including overdue loans.


The Dwight Marvin Library is bound by New York State Law (New York Civil Practice Law and Rules, Section 4509), which defines the confidentiality of library circulation records and restricts disclosure of such records.

Last updated May 4, 2022
Approved by Associate Dean Instructional Support Services and Retention
Approved by Vice President for Academic Affairs

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