Library Code of Conduct

The Marvin Library Learning Commons is an academic building designed for instruction as well as individual study/research, collaboration, and group study. Individuals must demonstrate acceptable behavior and respect for the needs of others in this learning environment. All building users, including students, employees, guests and visitors, must comply with the building code of conduct.

Individuals who are disturbed or distracted by the noise or the behavior of those around them should bring the matter to the attention of building staff or consider moving to another area in the building.

The conversations and behavior of study groups should not disturb others. Staff may ask groups to relocate either within the building or to another campus location if the group is disruptive. Students may not gather in groups exceeding six persons in the café area.

Sounds from any personal electronic devices including laptops, audio players, video players, and other mobile devices should be restricted to user headphones and must be inaudible to others.

To prevent damage to materials, equipment, and the general educational environment, beverages should be in spill-resistant containers. Food consumption should be limited to the café area as defined by the wooden floor.

All Marvin Library Learning Commons faculty and staff are authorized to enforce the building's code of conduct. If a disruptive individual refuses to comply with requests to adhere to the code of conduct, then Public Safety will be contacted for assistance. If Public Safety is summoned, the incident may result in a disciplinary referral to the Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Development.

If you are disrupted by the behavior of others, please make your complaint to any building staff member.

NOTE: For your convenience, the building is divided into color zones to meet your varying needs. Zones range from green group study areas to red silent study areas. Please work in the zone that best suits your needs.

Updated July 16, 2014

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